
Source code for prob140.plots

import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import interact
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from sympy import lambdify, symbols

[docs]def Plot_continuous(x_limits, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Plots a continuous distribution Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. func : Sympy expression, function, or str Univariate density function or a String for the scipy dist name. args : floats (optional) Arguments of the distribution if func was a String. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ interval = x_limits tails = kwargs.pop('tails', False) if isinstance(func, str): func = func.lower() rv = getattr(stats, func) cdf = kwargs.pop('cdf', False) if cdf: f = rv(*args).cdf else: f = rv(*args).pdf elif callable(func): f = func else: assert len(func.free_symbols) <= 1, 'Must have exactly 1 variable' if len(func.free_symbols) == 0: new_symbol = symbols('x') replace_variables = [new_symbol] else: replace_variables = list(func.free_symbols) f = lambdify(replace_variables, func) lower = interval[0] upper = interval[1] x = np.linspace(lower, upper, 100) y = [f(xi) for xi in x] left = kwargs.pop('left_end', None) right = kwargs.pop('right_end', None) options = {'lw': 2, 'color': 'darkblue'} options.update(kwargs) plt.plot(x, y, **options) plt.ylim(0, max(y) * 1.1) if tails: if left and left >= lower: x2 = np.linspace(lower, left, 100) plt.fill_between(x2, f(x2), alpha=0.7, color='gold') if right and right <= upper: x2 = np.linspace(right, upper, 100) plt.fill_between(x2, f(x2), alpha=0.7, color='gold') else: lb = left if left else lower rb = right if right else upper if left or right: x2 = np.linspace(lb, rb, 100) plt.fill_between(x2, f(x2), alpha=0.7, color='gold') # Multiple all y-ticks by 100 to get percent per unit. ax = plt.gca() ticks = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x * 100.)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks) plt.ylabel('Percent per unit')
[docs]def Plot_3d(x_limits, y_limits, f, interactive=False, figsize=(12, 8), **kwargs): """ Plots a 3d graph. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound of the x-axis. y_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound of the x-axis. f : bivariate function Joint density interactive : boolean (optional) If True, creates a widget to adjust elevation and azimuth. (default: False) kwargs Optional named arguments for `plot_surface`. Returns ------- None """ def plot(elev, azim): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x = np.linspace(*x_limits, 100) y = np.linspace(*y_limits, 100) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) v = np.vectorize(f) Z = v(X, Y) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('f(x, y)') ax.view_init(elev, azim) if interactive: elevation_slider = widgets.FloatSlider( value=20, min=0, max=90, step=1, description='elevation' ) azimuth_slider = widgets.FloatSlider( value=-100, min=-180, max=180, step=1, description='azimuth' ) @interact(elev=elevation_slider, azim=azimuth_slider) def wrapper(elev, azim): plot(elev, azim) else: plot(20, -100)
[docs]def Plot_bivariate_normal(mu, cov, **kwargs): """ Plots the density of a bivariate normal distribution. Parameters ---------- mu : array Array of length 2 for mean. cov : array Covariance matrix of dimension 2x2. """ def normal_density(x, y): return stats.multivariate_normal.pdf([x, y], mean=mu, cov=cov) sd = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) lower = mu - sd * 4 upper = mu + sd * 4 options = { 'x_limits': (lower[0], upper[0]), 'y_limits': (lower[1], upper[1]), 'f': normal_density, } options.update(kwargs) Plot_3d(**options)
[docs]def Scatter_multivariate_normal(mu, cov, n): """ Draws scatterplot for a trivariate normal distribution. Parameters ---------- mu : array Array of length 3 corresponding to the means. cov : array 3x3 Covariance Matrix. n : int Number of points to plot. """ points = stats.multivariate_normal.rvs(mu, cov, n) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], alpha=0.5, s=10, color='darkblue') ax.set_xlabel('Variable 1') ax.set_ylabel('Variable 2') ax.set_zlabel('Variable 3') ax.dist = 12
[docs]def multivariate_normal_regression(mu, cov, n=100, figsize=(8, 6)): """ Draws a scatter plot of points drawn from a trivariate normal distribution and the corresponding regresson plane. Random vectors should be of the form [Y X1 X2]^T. Parameters ---------- mu : array [mu_Y, mu_X1, mu_X2]. cov : array 3x3 covariance matrix. n : int (optional) Number of points to plot. figsize : tuple (optional) Size of figure. """ y, x1, x2 = stats.multivariate_normal.rvs(mu, cov, n).T sigma_X = cov[1:, 1:] sigma_Y = cov[1:, 0:1] A = d = max(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[1:]) * 4 X1 = np.linspace(mu[1] - d, mu[1] + d, 100) X2 = np.linspace(mu[2] - d, mu[2] + d, 100) X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(X1, X2) Y = A[0] * (X1 - mu[1]) + A[1] * (X2 - mu[2]) + mu[0] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(x1, x2, y, s=10) ax.set_xlabel('$x1$') ax.set_ylabel('$x2$') ax.set_zlabel('$y$') ax.plot_surface(X1, X2, Y, alpha=0.3, color='gold')
[docs]def Plot_expon(x_limits, lamb, **kwargs): """ Plots an exponential distribution Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. lamb : float Rate. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'expon', 0, 1/lamb, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_norm(x_limits, mu, sigma, **kwargs): """ Plots a gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. mu : float Mean. sigma : float Standard Deviation. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'norm', mu, sigma, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_arcsine(x_limits, **kwargs): """ Plots an arcsine distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'arcsine', **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_beta(x_limits, a, b, **kwargs): """ Plots a beta distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. a : float Shape. b : float Shape. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'beta', a, b, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_cauchy(x_limits, loc=0, scale=1, **kwargs): """ Plots a cauchy distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'cauchy', loc, scale, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_chi2(x_limits, df, **kwargs): """ Plots a chi-squared distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. df : Integer Number of degrees of freedom. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'chi2', df, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_erlang(x_limits, r, lamb, **kwargs): """ Plots an erlang distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. r : int Shape. lamb : float Rate. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'erlang', r, 0, 1 / lamb, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_f(x_limits, dfn, dfd, **kwargs): """ Plots an F distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. dfn : int Degree of freedom 1. dfd : int Degree of freedom 2. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'f', dfn, dfd, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_gamma(x_limits, r, lamb, **kwargs): """ Plots a gamma distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. r : int Shape. lamb : float Rate. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'gamma', r, 0, 1 / lamb, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_lognorm(x_limits, mu, sigma, **kwargs): """ Plots a log-normal distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. mu : float Mean. sigma : float Standard Deviation. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'lognorm', sigma, 0, np.exp(mu), **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_pareto(x_limits, alpha, **kwargs): """ Plots an alpha distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. a : float Shape. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'pareto', alpha, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_powerlaw(x_limits, a, **kwargs): """ Plots a powerlaw distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. a : float Shape. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'powerlaw', a, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_rayleigh(x_limits, sigma, **kwargs): """ Plots a rayleigh distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. sigma : float Scale. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'rayleigh', 0, sigma, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_t(x_limits, df, **kwargs): """ Plots a t distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. df : int Degree of freedom Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 't', df, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_triang(x_limits, a, b, c, **kwargs): """ Plots a triangular distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. a : float Minimum value. b : float Maximum value. c : float Intermediate value Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'triang', (c - a) / (b - a), a, b - a, **kwargs)
[docs]def Plot_uniform(x_limits, a, b, **kwargs): """ Plots a uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- x_limits : iterable Array, list, or tuple of size 2, containing the lower and upper bound to be plotted. a : float Minimum value. b : float Maximum value. Optional Named Parameters ------------------------- tails : boolean (optional) If True, left_end will shade from the lower bound up to left_end, and right_end will shade from right_end up to the upper bound. If False, left_end will shade to right_end. (Default: False) left_end : float (optional) Left side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) right_end : float (optional) Right side of event to be shaded. (Default: None) cdf : boolean (optional) If True and func was string, the cdf will be plotted (Default: False) All pyplot named arguments (such as color) should work as well. See Returns ------- None """ Plot_continuous(x_limits, 'uniform', a, b - a, **kwargs)