

prob140.Plot(dist, width=1, event=(), edges=None, show_ev=False, show_ave=False, show_sd=False, **vargs)[source]

Plots the histogram for a single distribution.

dist : Table

A 2-column table representing a probability distribution.

width (optional) : float

Width of the intervals (default: 1)

edges (optional) : boolean

If True, there will be a small border around the bars. If False, there will be no border. (default: small border unless there more than 75 bins)

show_ev (optional) : boolean

Adds a tick mark at the expected value. (default : False)

show_ave (optional) : boolean

Adds a tick mark at the average of an empirical distribution. (default : False)

show_sd (optional) : boolean

Adds two tick marks one sd above and one sd below the expected value. (default : False)


See pyplot’s additional optional arguments.