(*labels_and_dists, width=1, edges=None, **vargs)[source]¶ Overlays histograms for multiple probability distributions together.
Parameters: - labels_and_dists : Even number of alternations between Strings and Tables
Each distribution must have a label associated with it.
- width (optional) : float
Width of the intervals. (default: 1)
- edges : bool
If True, there will be a small border around the bars. If False, there will be no border. (default: small border unless there more than 75 bins)
- vargs
See pyplot’s documentation
>>> dist1 = Table().values([1, 2, 3, 4]).probability([1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4]) >>> dist2 = Table().values([3, 4, 5, 6]).probability([1/2, 1/8, 1/8, 1/4]) >>> Plots('Distribution1', dist1, 'Distribution2', dist2) <histogram with dist1 and dist2>