
Joint Distributions

This is a brief introduction to working with Joint Distributions from the prob140 library.

Getting Started

As always, this should be the first cell if you are using a notebook.


from datascience import *
from prob140 import *
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np'fivethirtyeight')

Constructing Joint Distributions

Distribution basics

We can construct a joint distribution by starting with a Table. Calling Table().values() with two lists will create a Table with X and Y taking on those values.

In [1]: from prob140 import *

In [2]: dist = Table().values(make_array(2, 3), np.arange(1, 6, 2))

In [3]: dist
X    | Y
2    | 1
2    | 3
2    | 5
3    | 1
3    | 3
3    | 5

We can then assign probabilities using probability() if we have an explicit list or array.

In [4]: dist = dist.probability([0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.2])

In [5]: dist
X    | Y    | Probability
2    | 1    | 0.1
2    | 3    | 0.1
2    | 5    | 0.2
3    | 1    | 0.3
3    | 3    | 0.1
3    | 5    | 0.2

To turn it into a Joint Distribution object, call the to_joint() method.

In [6]: dist.to_joint()
     X=2  X=3
Y=5  0.2  0.2
Y=3  0.1  0.1
Y=1  0.1  0.3

By default, the joint distribution will display the Y values in reverse. To turn this functionality off, use the optional parameter reverse=False.

In [7]: dist.to_joint(reverse=False)
     X=2  X=3
Y=1  0.1  0.3
Y=3  0.1  0.1
Y=5  0.2  0.2

Naming the Variables

When defining a distribution, you can also give a name to each random variable rather than the default ‘X’ and ‘Y’. You must alternate between strings and lists when calling values()

In [8]: heads_table = Table().values("H1",[0.2,0.9],"H2",[2,1,0]).probability(make_array(.75*.04, .75*.32,.75*.64,.25*.81,.25*.18,.25*.01))

In [9]: heads_table
H1   | H2   | Probability
0.2  | 2    | 0.03
0.2  | 1    | 0.24
0.2  | 0    | 0.48
0.9  | 2    | 0.2025
0.9  | 1    | 0.045
0.9  | 0    | 0.0025

In [10]: heads = heads_table.to_joint(reverse=False)

In [11]: heads
      H1=0.2  H1=0.9
H2=0    0.48  0.0025
H2=1    0.24  0.0450
H2=2    0.03  0.2025

You can also use strings for the values of the domain.

In [12]: coins_table = Table().values("Coin1",['H','T'],"Coin2", ['H','T']).probability(np.array([0.24, 0.36, 0.16, 0.24]))

In [13]: coins = coins_table.to_joint(reverse=False)

In [14]: coins
         Coin1=H  Coin1=T
Coin2=H     0.24     0.16
Coin2=T     0.36     0.24

Probability Functions

You can also use a joint probability function that will take in the values of the random variables.

In [15]: def joint_func(dice1, dice2):
   ....:     return (dice1 + dice2)/252

In [16]: dice = Table().values("D1", np.arange(1,7),"D2", np.arange(1,7)).probability_function(joint_func).to_joint()

In [17]: dice
          D1=1      D1=2      D1=3      D1=4      D1=5      D1=6
D2=6  0.027778  0.031746  0.035714  0.039683  0.043651  0.047619
D2=5  0.023810  0.027778  0.031746  0.035714  0.039683  0.043651
D2=4  0.019841  0.023810  0.027778  0.031746  0.035714  0.039683
D2=3  0.015873  0.019841  0.023810  0.027778  0.031746  0.035714
D2=2  0.011905  0.015873  0.019841  0.023810  0.027778  0.031746
D2=1  0.007937  0.011905  0.015873  0.019841  0.023810  0.027778

Marginal Distributions

To see the marginal distribution of a variable, call the method marginal(label) where label is a string for the label.

In [18]: heads.marginal("H1")
                     H1=0.2  H1=0.9
H2=0                   0.48  0.0025
H2=1                   0.24  0.0450
H2=2                   0.03  0.2025
Sum: Marginal of H1    0.75  0.2500

In [19]: heads.marginal("H2")
      H1=0.2  H1=0.9  Sum: Marginal of H2
H2=0    0.48  0.0025               0.4825
H2=1    0.24  0.0450               0.2850
H2=2    0.03  0.2025               0.2325

In [20]: coins.marginal("Coin1")
                        Coin1=H  Coin1=T
Coin2=H                    0.24     0.16
Coin2=T                    0.36     0.24
Sum: Marginal of Coin1     0.60     0.40

You can also call both_marginals() to see both marginal distributions at once.

In [21]: heads.both_marginals()
                     H1=0.2  H1=0.9  Sum: Marginal of H2
H2=0                   0.48  0.0025               0.4825
H2=1                   0.24  0.0450               0.2850
H2=2                   0.03  0.2025               0.2325
Sum: Marginal of H1    0.75  0.2500               1.0000

In [22]: coins.both_marginals()
                        Coin1=H  Coin1=T  Sum: Marginal of Coin2
Coin2=H                    0.24     0.16                     0.4
Coin2=T                    0.36     0.24                     0.6
Sum: Marginal of Coin1     0.60     0.40                     1.0

To get the marginal distribution of a variable as a single variable distribution for plotting, call marginal_dist(label).

In [23]: heads.marginal_dist("H1")
Value | Probability
0.2   | 0.75
0.9   | 0.25
In [24]: Plot(heads.marginal_dist("H1"), width=0.1)
In [25]: heads.marginal_dist("H2")
Value | Probability
0     | 0.4825
1     | 0.285
2     | 0.2325

In [26]: coins.marginal_dist("Coin1")
Value | Probability
H     | 0.6
T     | 0.4

Conditional Distributions

You can see the conditional distribution using conditional_dist(label, given). For example, to see the distribution of H1|H2, call conditional_dist(“H1”, “H2”).

In [27]: heads.conditional_dist("H1", "H2")
                      H1=0.2    H1=0.9  Sum
Dist. of H1 | H2=0  0.994819  0.005181  1.0
Dist. of H1 | H2=1  0.842105  0.157895  1.0
Dist. of H1 | H2=2  0.129032  0.870968  1.0
Marginal of H1      0.750000  0.250000  1.0

In [28]: heads.conditional_dist("H2", "H1")
      Dist. of H2 | H1=0.2  Dist. of H2 | H1=0.9  Marginal of H2
H2=0                  0.64                  0.01          0.4825
H2=1                  0.32                  0.18          0.2850
H2=2                  0.04                  0.81          0.2325
Sum                   1.00                  1.00          1.0000